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woman sitting at a table in the kitchen drinking coffee with a blender next to her

Wake Up and Savor the Moment: The Ritual of Morning Coffee

"Wake up and smell the coffee." It's a phrase we've all heard, but have you ever paused to really think about it? Coffee is one of the first experiences many people around the world have each morning, and I'm no different. I wake up, get out of bed, brush my teeth, take my vitamins, and then make myself a cup of coffee. But this isn't just any cup of coffee—it's a moment of stillness, a pause before the day begins, a simple ritual that grounds me.
Each morning, I make myself a "special" coffee. This is the first experience I am giving myself for the day. When my family hears the blender, they know, "Mom's having her moment." And it's true—this is my moment. In the hustle and bustle of life, it's easy to take the small things for granted, to overlook the daily routines that bring us comfort and joy. But what if we approached them differently? What if we saw these moments for what they truly are—experiences that shape our day, our mood, our life?
Coffee is something many of us do every day, often without a second thought. It's part of our routine, a habit so ingrained that we might forget how special it is. But when we choose to look at it through a different lens, it transforms. It becomes more than just a morning necessity—it becomes an experience to savor, a moment to appreciate.

This simple act of making coffee is my daily ritual, one that I've come to cherish. It's a reminder that experiences don't always have to be grand or rare to be meaningful. Sometimes, the most ordinary things can be extraordinary if we let them.
Here's my recipe for the "special" coffee that starts my day:



Blend everything in the Vitamix or any blender, and savor the aroma and enjoy! 

So, tomorrow morning, when you wake up, take a moment to really experience your coffee. Don't just sip it—savor it. Let it be the first gift you give yourself each day, a moment to pause, reflect, and set the tone for the hours ahead. After all, it's these small daily rituals that make up the fabric of our lives. And if we pay attention, we'll find that there's beauty in even the simplest of experiences.

Have a Happy, Healthy Day!
-Lauren Ramsey, Founder, PaceWell