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In a world overwhelmed by diet culture, hustle mentality, and fast-paced living, the timeless wisdom of wellness has been forgotten.

At PaceWell, we are committed to reminding everyone of the fundamental principles of good health passed down through generations: eat your veggies, get some sleep, drink some water, go outside, play with your friends, ask questions, slow down, chew your food, and pay attention.

Our mission is to simplify health and wellness by returning to these basics and guiding you through the intuitive needs of your body—fueling, moving, recovering, learning, and experiencing—at every stage of life.

We recognize that the pace of life fluctuates, and whether you're in your 20s or your 70s, sometimes you need to go fast due to life's demands, and other times you can slow down. PaceWell is here to guide you through these changes, ensuring you live well and thrive at every age.


The PaceWell Journey: A Founder’s Story

Hello! I am Lauren Ramsey, Founder of PaceWell. Thanks for stopping by!

My journey towards creating PaceWell didn’t begin in a lab or a boardroom; it began with a deep curiosity about health and a passion for helping others. I realized how much time and headspace I had spent chasing after countless diets, only to discover that being healthy is much simpler than we make it out to be. I began teaching myself about true wellness, diving into research, and questioning the overwhelming, often conflicting information we’re bombarded with.

In my 20s and 30s, I believed I had all the time in the world so I could eat and drink whatever I wanted, stay out late, sleep very little, go out hard, be highly stressed and run on adrenaline. But as I entered my 40s and beyond, this way of living was taking a toll on my overall health.  The requirements for my mind and body shifted and my relationship with time changed—longevity became a top priority. For over a decade now, I have been driven by a desire to stay mentally and physically healthy and to avoid being a customer of the “healthcare” system for as long as possible.

Like so many others, my early years were marked by the same struggles—chasing an elusive ideal of health through every diet under the sun and bouncing between fitness fads. The constant flood of conflicting information left me feeling overwhelmed. It wasn’t until my late 30s, while training for my first Ironman, that everything shifted. I stopped seeing food as the enemy and began to view it as fuel. Rest became more than just sleep—it became recovery. Every mile I ran, every stroke I swam, every pedal I pushed wasn’t just exercise anymore; it was movement, a celebration of what my body could achieve. But perhaps the most important change was learning to listen—to my body, my intuition, and the lessons life was teaching me.

Along the way, I became acutely aware of a much larger issue: the state of health in the U.S. is alarming. We’re facing an obesity epidemic, many are confused about what it truly means to eat clean, and we’ve been misled by deceptive health claims on packaging. On top of that, conflicting advice from social media, podcasts, and news outlets only adds to the confusion. I’ve been there—I’m just like everyone else, trying to make sense of it all.


Why I Created PaceWell

It was born out of a desire to strip away the noise and get back to the basics with simple, sustainable, and foundational principles of wellness. The name reflects the belief that life moves at different paces depending on where you are—whether it’s your age, career, or family life—and wellness should move at your pace, too.

At PaceWell, we focus on five key principles: Fueling, Moving, Recovering, Learning, and Experiencing. These are the intuitive needs of our bodies and the pillars of a holistic approach that allows us not only to survive but to thrive at every stage of life.

My mission with PaceWell is simple: to help people navigate their wellness journey with confidence, curiosity, and resilience. I want to help you cut through the noise, reconnect with your intuition, listen to your body, and find your own pace—because your health is your wealth, and wellness is a lifelong journey.

Whether you’re just beginning or have been on this path for years, PaceWell is here to support you every step of the way. Together, we’ll learn, grow, and discover what it truly means to live well for a lifetime.